Articles by Morgan Finch

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Top 3 Best-Looking Slots

Best-Looking Slots Iron ManWhile I was in my last year of university, I played a TON of slots all across the board – good slots, bad slots, fun slots, boring slots, you name them! And one thing that always stuck out to me is that most slots really didn’t look particularly impressive – the majority relied on just barebones still images that moved a little bit whenever you lined them up, like in those old motion comics that nobody’s doing anymore because they look like a monkey’s butthole. I understand why that’s happening, since most slots don’t really have that impressive of a budget and a lot more effort tends to be spent on things like payout and bonus games than visuals, but it’s still a bit of a bummer to see so many slots looking subpar. That’s why it’s always a fun surprise whenever a slot has particularly good graphics. Sure, they don’t always contribute to how much you’re winning, but only a fool would claim they don’t make the experience all the more appealing! So with that said, what are the three slots with best graphics that I’ve personally played?

3. Gonzo’s Quest

NetEnt’s “Gonzo’s Quest” may not look like much at first – if you check out a screenshot or something similar, you’d be forgiven for wondering just what madness compelled me to place it on here. I mean, it’s not particularly shiny or pretty or anything at all, it’s just a bunch of blocks and some guy next to them, right? Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving, and “Gonzo’s Quest” deserves credit on two fronts. First and foremost – it doesn’t look like a traditional slot. Have you noticed that? It’s styled a lot more like a puzzle game than something whose reels you’d spin, which is very fitting because its block-breaking mechanics are actually styled after those of certain puzzle games! That’s extremely creative! And second, once you actually play the slot, you’ll notice the cute little Conquistador-looking fellow move around lively and motion around with his hands, cheering for you when you win and being genuinely bummed when you lose, all while displaying a good bunch of character just from his body language. Each of these qualities makes “Gonzo’s Quest” a fantastic-looking slot, but combined together, they rank it up among the best.

2. Iron Man 2

Almost all of Playtech’s Marvel slots look utterly fantastic – truly some of the best slot graphics in the business. Sure, sometimes they go the lazy route (like in “Thor”, where they just photoshopped the actors into the symbols), and a few of their slots are downright ugly (namely their earlier work like “Elektra” or “Blade”), but for the most part they’re pretty beautiful. Slots like “The Avengers” and “Spider-Man: Attack of the Green Goblin” stand up on their own even today, years after being released. But unfortunately, they all suffer from the same issue, an issue that plagues the overwhelming majority of slots – their symbols are just too small to be appreciated as they are. So when “Iron Man 2” rolled around, Playtech just said “Screw it, let’s make our symbols really big!” This slot distinguishes itself from the other Iron Man games by the fact that most of its symbols take up two or even three spaces, allowing them to shine in all of their glory! True, the new mechanic made pays a bit rarer (even if they were bigger when they happened), so overall I’d rate this slot a solid 7/10… Which, coincidentally, is the same rating that the movie has on IMDB.

1. Secret Santa

Before I dive into why I picked this relatively obscure Microgaming slot for my No. 1, allow me to elaborate something – it wasn’t because its graphics are the most realistic and greatest EVAR!11!1! It’s not because they’re amazing, epic, hand-crafted by the finest artists or what have you. Don’t get me wrong, they’re really good, miles above most other pictures you see in slots – every symbol is a painting depicting a heartwarming scene from a typical home on the night before Christmas. But it’s not the quality of the symbols that elevate “Secret Santa” above its compatriots. It’s the feeling that those symbols manage to elicit in the players. Imagine that, a slot machine that actually manages to make you feel stuff other than nervous anticipation and endless frustration! “Secret Santa” brings you back to a simple time, when you were a kid and you placed the stockings up above the fireplace. Or perhaps it reminds you of what you still do with your children every year, sharing the magic of the holidays with them. It wouldn’t have worked if the same things (the turkey, the fireplace, Santa Claus himself) were depicted as cartoony caricatures – the realistic artstyle makes them feel tangible, like images from your past, things that you can realistically touch and feel. I don’t know, maybe I’m just reading too deep into it, but this slot’s artstyle made me feel genuine nostalgia. And for that it more than deserves the top spot.

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Things To Know Before Getting Started With Online Blackjack

BlackjackHey there! Looking forward to that online slots article, huh? Well, unfortunately, it’s going to have to wait a little bit, since before we get into the meat of the subject I want to talk about something that’s a little bit more interesting to me in the present time. I’m very much one of those mood-driven people that just need to talk about the thing they’re into right this second, or else they lose all interest, so bear with me here, okay? Recently, I managed to get into online blackjack, and surprisingly, I’ve been enjoying myself quite a lot! Not as much as, say, when playing slots, but it has still been pretty fun! But for the longest time I was afraid of getting into it, since I thought that it’d be too intimidating. What if there are a billion versions of it? What if I end up messing up and lose all my money? What if, what if, what if… Well, I’m here to tell you to not be scared! Here are the three things I learned playing online blackjack with no prior experience that I think you should know!

1. The Game Is A Lot More Merciful Than Slots

I’m not just saying that from experience – it’s statistically true based on stuff like RTP percentages! You’re actually more likely to gain money over a long period of time playing blackjack than you are playing slots. When it comes to slots, the appeal generally comes in that big, beautiful jackpot waiting for you at the end, so as long as you have a shot at that you’re willing to overlook a handful of losses. In blackjack, however, you need to make every single hand count, especially when you’re playing for high stakes on sites like those listed at When you play slots, you can swallow 5-10 losses in a row and keep going, but in blackjack you’ll definitely give up at that point, and the developers know it. As a result, while the chances of instantly winning a huge sum of money are higher in slots, the chances of very gradually accumulating your fortune over hundreds of hands are certainly in favor of blackjack.

2. Don’t Hope For Card Counting To Bust You Out

Card counting is a great tool that’s surprisingly easy to learn and can basically allow you to “beat” blackjack, winning hands the majority of the time… as long as you’re playing in a physical location. Online, it’s obviously not going to work. For those of you who’ve only heard of card counting from movies like “21”, the idea is that you basically rely on two things in order to count the cards and successfully predict when a good hand will come up – watching other players play and the deck not getting shuffled. While this is perfectly feasible in real life, where shuffling the deck after each hand is too impractical and there’s typically 3-5 players at each table, online it’s just you and the computer, which can shuffle whenever it damn well pleases. Though with that said, there is one place online where you can count cards, even if it’s not very practical…

3. Live Blackjack Is Your Best Friend

To be perfectly honest, regular online blackjack was a little bit dry for me. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was fun, but definitely not something I could see myself going back to over and over again. I’m someone that needs new, fresh experiences (which is one of the reasons why I adore slots so much – there’s a good variety to them). But just as I was about to say “Yeah, online blackjack’s pretty great, but it’s not really my thing”… Boom. I discovered live blackjack and fell in love all over again! For those of you who don’t know, live blackjack is, mechanically speaking, exactly the same as typical online blackjack, except you play against an actual real life dealer who’s being broadcast to you live. It could be a cute girl, a bloke that talks about sports, or, if you’re lucky, a cute girl who was hired for more than just her body. Regardless, each dealer can keep the game fun and entertaining in their own way, and chances are you’ll never get bored playing live blackjack, especially if you experiment with the different rooms!

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Welcome to my Blog!

VegasWelcome to my brand spanking new blog! If like me, you enjoy playing slots online, then this is the place to be. But let’s start at the beginning. Who am I and what can I tell you about slots? I’m Morgan, and I have been playing at online casinos for a good 10 years. I first got into the gaming scene during my first year at uni. Of course, I should have been cramming for my end of year exams, but I needed something to take the edge off the pressure and stress. I found playing slots provided me with a much needed distraction, along with an occasional boost to my fast dwindling student loan! Anyway, needless to say, I got the bug, and long after my uni days, I continued to play regularly at online casinos.

Now there have undoubtedly been major developments in the world of online casinos since my salad days. The choice of places to play along with the variety and quality of games has vastly increased. So I decided to create this blog to share my findings with likeminded people. In this blog, you can expect to find plenty of useful, informative and also entertaining posts, covering a wide range of topics. You will find out about things such as new slots, the biggest jackpots, along with plenty of hints and tips along the way to help you increase your success. I will not be limiting the scope to slots though, oh no! I will also share valuable information about online casinos in general. I will help you spot the quality operators from the dodgy scammers. I also have plenty of recommendations for you to find the best casinos to suit your individual needs. Like most people, I love a bargain, so I’ll also keep you up to speed with the biggest and best bonuses that you can find online. If that sounds like your cup of tea, then bookmark this site and check in regularly for my latest updates!